Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When You’re Down

Dear the-one-who's-reading,

If you're feeling sad, depressed, confused, anxious, neglected, or any sort of down feeling, take a moment to reflect on what's happening. It sure sucks but trust me, it'll be better if you just follow these must-do steps. Ready?


    Firstly, fix your hair so it'll look fine and so like you. Comb it, style it, spray it, curl it, whatever you think will make you enjoy looking at it through the mirror.


    Secondly, have some candy or sweet. The sweeter, the better. Don't worry, it won't give you diabetes right away 'cos it'll take more than that. If there's no candy around, have some sweet juice and note yourself to get some candy later. It's crucial to have some in case you need it, like now.


    Thirdly, take a cute piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Close your eyes for two seconds and then write down what you want to say but can't really say it out to anyone. Let it all out. What you write is only for you, the paper and the pen or pencil to know. Of course, the Big Man above knows too but He's the best secret-keeper in the universe.


    Fourthly, fold the piece of paper and seal it with stapler or glue or pin or tape. Keep it safe in your wallet. You'll see what it's for in the future.


    Fifthly, listen to one of your favourite songs. If you like it loud, then make it loud. If you don't, suit it with your preference. It's all you and no one else. The candy in your mouth should be completely dissolved by now. If not, quickly chew and swallow it. Just please don't chock yourself.


There. Unwind yourself until you feel less miserable. Get over it, okay. It's all good though it's really not. Peace and out.

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