Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Roller Coaster of Hope

Have you ever had your hope rose up so high and in a split second, it crashed all the way down? Have you ever wanted something so much but it turned out not to be in the way you wanted it to? Have you ever been on a roller coaster ride? Obviously, many people have.

What I’m about to say can very much be related to the metaphor on the title of this post. One minute, you’re so hopeful of something, the next minute, your hope’s taken away from you when the total opposite thing happens. I think it’s fair to say that everyone will experience this at one moment in their lives. Only those who are super duper lucky will not have to go through this. If you’re one of the lucky ones, be very grateful!

Now, what do you need to do if you’re brought down by what happened around you? What can anyone say to make you feel better? It’s really a random thing to happen and people’s reactions may vary depending on how down they feel and what feedbacks they receive from others. However you handle it, it’s always best if you first accept it. Accepting something doesn’t necessarily mean that you like it. It’s just that there’s nothing you can do to undo what has happened. Scream if the feeling’s too overwhelming, cry if your heart’s aching too much, lock yourself in your room if you don’t want to be bothered for a while, smile even if you don’t want to, laugh even if you don’t mean it. It doesn’t matter! Just don’t hurt yourself and anyone around you! When you’ve done what you feel like doing, as long as it’s harmless, you’ll feel better bit by bit. Life goes on no matter what! Time will heal; at least, I’d like to think so! Most importantly, God has great plans for you. Remember that! So, be strong and you’ll be lifted up again!

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