Saturday, June 2, 2007

Out of this World!

When I think of something that's out of this world, I think of Galaxie. What's Galaxie? For those who don't know, Galaxie's nothing less than one of the best entertainment magazines ever. What's cooler is that it's a local magazine! How cool is that?! I'd like to let everyone know that if you happen to have your last RM3.00 or RM4.00 in your pocket, do consider to spend it on Galaxie. That is, if you're a fan of the entertainment scene, locally and internationally.

I've been reading the magazines for a couple of years and I'm not thinking of changing my choice of local entertainment magazine. Since I read the magazine, which is published every fortnight, I become more aware of what is happening in the world of entertainment. Even if it's only entertainment and not something that's very important, it feels good to follow up what our stars are up to from time to time. There's nothing wrong with buying an entertainment magazine every two weeks. Better still, you can even subscribe the magazine. That's not all, you might also be given free gifts upon your subscription. Contests are held and anyone can participate. Don't be surprised if there's a newly released CD or a limited edition merchandise in your mail box!

No words can specifically describe how Galaxie really is. You just have to try reading it yourself.

Thanks, Galaxie, for being there! Keep up the great work!

When Nothing Seems to Go Your Way

It's a very common fact that life isn't always easy. In fact, to some people, it has always been a rough ride for them. No one can be certain of what will happen because many times, unexpected things happen. Thus, it's very important for us, especially youngsters, to get ourselves ready for anything. We might not get used to it instantly, but at least we try in order to move on with life.

Sometimes, we may feel that we're living life day by day. We just want to get something over with by hook or by crook. All I have to say about that is, just do what you have to do until you're completely beat. However, it's not okay to keep feeling that way for a very long time. Something has got to change. It's either your surrounding or you. In this case, we have to be flexible. If you're not very flexible, the learn to be flexible starting from this moment. We musn't be resistant to changes because, let's face it, things in one's life will not remain the same forever. It's okay to be a little different than you used to be as long as you're not doing something harmful.

The reason I stated the things I stated above is because I've experienced changes in my own life, where I'm no longer in my comfort zone. I'm still getting used to it and honestly, it's not so easy but I keep telling myself that it's all part of my life that I have to face. Problems will always be lurking around the corner, waiting for the perfect time to strike. If you're in a situation where you're reluctant to do what you're doing but you know it's the right thing to do, remember that you're not alone. You're never alone.

All the best and be strong!